Recall Campaign for Councilwoman Jen Campbell Begins

Written by Justin Culetu 

District 2 Councilmember, Dr. Jennifer Campbell, was appointed as Council President following this year’s election. However, a citizen recall group made the announcement that they will be coordinating an effort to remove her from office. 

According to the group, the recall petition will be published in early January and within five days of the proclamation, Dr. Campbell will be notified of the intent. Twenty-one days after the publication, the group will begin to gather signatures and will need 13,553 minimum within 99 days. The reasons for the recall movement include Campbell’s stance on short term rentals, her support for Measure E, and her disregard of issues brought forward by members and community groups of District 2. Former District 1 Councilmember Barbara Bry is a supporter of the recall movement and said earlier this month that Jen Campbell “is controlled by special interests.” 

The Councilwoman recently made a “compromise” involving the short-term rental issue which included an agreement with Expedia and Unite HERE, instead of focusing on what the residents of District 2 wanted; eliminating short-term rentals. Dr. Campbell’s lack of understanding of key issues brought up by constituents of District 2 as well as letting her staff control certain jobs that require her presence show her absence of leadership skills.

Other reasons for her recall include her promises to protect height limits in District 2, which preserve the district from predatory development, but later supporting the elimination of those protections, such as Measure E. In addition, Campbell disregarded her pledge to voters where she promised to work with residents on keeping neighborhoods and schools safe from criminals and addicts. Overall, Campbell has been an absent leader and fails to deliver her promises to the people of District 2. 

The website for the recall group can be found here