East County Officials Speak At Reopen California Rally

Written by Justin Culetu 

Earlier this month, Governor Gavin Newsom pushed back on reopening the state and issued a three-week stay at home order similar to the one we saw at the beginning of the pandemic. And this week, that order was extended.

During last Monday’s press conference, Newsom made it clear that the recent lockdown mandate would most likely be extended, citing low ICU capacity in hospitals. On the same day, El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells and other government officials participated in a large rally calling for the full reopening of California.

“Let these people get back to work and be safe, take care of their employees, take care of their customers and open up in a safe manner,” Sen. Brian Jones said.

Mayor Wells, Congressman-Elect Darrell Issa, State Senator Brian Jones, and several hundred rally goers congregated at the El Cajon Centennial Plaza and called for the state and county to reopen businesses, schools, and houses of worship. The event, which was officially named the “All I Want for Christmas is Freedom Rally”, was organized by Reopen San Diego, a group whose mission is to defend the rights of the people of San Diego County.

Both Rep. Issa and Mayor Wells spent time on the podium pointing out the secondary effects the lockdowns have had on the lives of families and small business owners, as well as the California economy.  They also urged the importance of individual freedom during these times rather than allowing the government to collectively tell its citizens how to live their lives. Since the lockdowns have started, issues like depression, addiction, domestic violence, and even suicide have skyrocketed.

Those in attendance revealed their frustrations, stating that the effects of the restrictions on important institutions such as places of worship and schools are more dangerous than the dangers presented by COVID-19. The coronavirus has above a 99% survival rate for individuals under the age of 70 according to the CDC.

California has lost countless small businesses and the jobs that they brought to their communities. Much of the damage caused by the shutdown orders will be permanent, but it is not too late to prevent further harm. Reopening the economy will allow many business owners who are on the brink of bankruptcy to survive, and allow us to start creating some new jobs to replace the thousands that have been lost.