19 people arrested while Illegally entering U.S.

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

19 people were arrested Sunday after Border Patrol caught them attempting to illegally enter the United States.

Around 6:30 am, 3 SUVs were spotted in the Jacumba area on a scenic route called Carrie’s Road. This initially aroused suspicion because the road connects to the U.S.-Mexico border in an area where there is no border wall.

When agents approached the SUVs, the vehicles turned around and attempted to escape. One of the vehicles got stuck and the driver ran away. When agents got to the vehicles, they found 17 people inside. The agents later searched the area and found an additional two people hiding in the brush. The driver that fled the scene has not been found.

The 19 people, 6 women and 13 men, were all Mexican nationals. One of the men in the group will be held pending criminal charges for re-entry after removal while the others will be deported.

“Events like these can be seen in areas where no border infrastructure is present,” Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke said in a statement. “We are thankful no one was hurt during this failed human smuggling plot.”

Photo via Loren Elliott / Agence France-Presse