Toys for Joy Lifts Christmas Spirit at Rock Church

Written by Justin Culetu 

Even with the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns in full force, the holiday spirit was alive and well for the 24th annual Toys for Joy drive, hosted by Rock Church just last Saturday. 

“This is our 24th year of Toys for Joy, and it’s completely different because of COVID,” said Rock Church Pastor Miles McPherson.

Although the original distribution format for the food and toy drive was scrapped because of coronavirus concerns, volunteers, parents, and children all enjoyed the wonderful event held by Rock Church. Even the San Diego Padres came to help!


In a large parking lot containing thousands of toys for kids and 30-pound boxes of food for families, volunteers went up to cars and gave nearly 4,000 pre-registered families toys and food. They also handed out bags with the Gospel, books, and a video from Miles McPherson, the founder of the event and senior pastor for the church, telling the children that God loves them. All COVID-19 guidelines and social distancing regulations were ahered to.

The Rock Church and its volunteers gave out triple the usual amount of groceries this time around due to the impact the pandemic has had on families financially.

“Look at the joy in these families’ faces; look at the joy you see in the volunteers,” Geniese Ligon, a long-time Toys for Joy volunteer, said to the UT. “We get more than they get, because we get to see passion, grace, compassion, love. And to see these families faces just breathe a little bit for the day is everything. It’s just everything.”

According to organizers, nothing would have kept Miles McPherson from holding this event to help less fortunate families during the holidays. Putting on the event cost about $400,000, which came from donations and contributions.

Photo via Toys for Joy