The Supreme Court Continues to Block Trump’s Immigration Policies

Amid the immigration crisis, the Supreme Court recently decided to postpone a ruling on President Trump’s reversal of DACA until the Spring of 2020. This delay will allow the vote to be taken right before the 2020 election, greatly influencing the platform for the two eventual presidential candidates. In the meantime, 700,000 “Dreamers” await the Supreme Court ruling.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions was the first to question the efficacy of former President Barack Obama’s DACA program, which suspended deportations for immigrants under the age of 16. Obama’s stance, like many other Democrats, was previously aligned with Trump’s current platform, but the Democratic Party has polarized radically in recent years.

The decision to delay ruling on DACA until the election year will make immigration a deciding factor for many voters. Trump will now be forced to take a firm stance on immigration from now until the election in 2020; something he’s proven to be good at through the 2016 election cycle.

It was not until Trump took his firm stance on the issue that the higher courts decided to take action. The Supreme Court ruled that Trump’s attempt to rescind Obama’s policy would be a broad change to existing immigration policies, which gives precedent for review in court.

The Democratic Party has not brought any bipartisan solutions to the table, proving they do not know how to solve this crisis—nor do they have any interest in addressing it. Unlike the left, the Trump administration is attempting to promote legal immigration and secure our nation’s borders.

Postponing the hearing is an attempt to weaken Trump’s base during the 2020 election; however, Trump’s 2016 victory was largely attributed to his stance on immigration. The Democrats are rallying Trump’s base for him, making this next election cycle a potentially easy win for conservatives.


Photo by Gary Todd via Flickr