Five Democratic Candidates Visit San Diego to Pander to Latinos

Four of the leading Democratic candidates—and Julian Castro—decided to begin the inevitable road to pandering to the Latino community. This is a bit surprising, as three of the candidates—Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Amy Klobuchar—are old white people, and Kamala Harris prefers to see Latinos on the other side of steel bars.

The aspiring presidential candidates attended the recent UnidosUS conference, the largest meeting of Latino advocacy groups. UnidosUS, formerly known as the National Council of the Race (translated), presents itself as a Latino union, but in reality, it’s just a far-left activist organization.

Despite being a Latino group, the people who really took the stage were the three old white people. Biden and Sanders both knew why they were there; Bernie to shill for donations and Biden to lose the presidency yet again, but Klobuchar is a mystery. Like the reason why she abuses staffers, nobody knows why Klobuchar is still in the race. She polls at two percent, getting beaten by both Andrew Yang and Beto O’Rourke.

This is indicative of a larger problem within the Democratic Party: the incessant desire to pander to every special interest group. This is particularly apparent in their toxic dividing of Americans by race and gender, rather than appeal to a platform that embraces all Americans.


Photo by a.canvas.of.light via Flickr