Mysterious Monolith appears in Scripps Ranch

Monoliths have been appearing around the world over the past few weeks. The first one was in Utah, and since then monoliths have been seen in Romania, the UK, San Luis Obispo, and other places. Well on Tuesday, one appeared in San Diego County, right in Scripps Ranch.

“It’s crazy to think that it’s here now and overnight or in a couple days it could just be gone … I believe it was planted there and someone will come remove it and place it somewhere else,” said Brandon Brooks, who spotted the shiny structure from the street. “But all I do know is that it’s cool that it is here for right now.”

The large, silver structure was seen off of Scripps Parkway next to a shopping center.

As of right now it is still a mystery as to who placed the monolith in San Diego and what motivations they may have had for doing so.