Priority Groups Could Receive COVID-19 Vaccine by Mid-December

Written by Justin Culetu

Dr. Moncef Slaoui, Chief Science Advisor for President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, recently stated that a COVID-19 vaccine will be made available to first priority groups in three weeks. 

According to Dr. Slaoui, once approval is given by the FDA vaccine advisory committee, the vaccines will be shipped and received within two days to immunization sites across the country. The expected day of approval is December 10th. 

Just last week, some positive news came from biotech companies Moderna Inc. and Pfizer Inc., partnered with BioNTech, in regards to the success rates of their vaccine trials. Moderna reported a 94.5% effectiveness rate in their preliminary trials and Pfizer reported 90%. Both companies received funding from the federal government back in May as part of Operation Warp Speed. However, that news came with some partisan challenge. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo made it clear that he will not be accepting the FDA approved vaccine until an independent state panel authorizes it. In Gov. Cuomo’s words, “The bad news is that it’s about two months before Joe Biden takes over and that means this administration is going to be implementing a vaccine plan.”

San Diegans also express mixed feelings in terms of their faith in the possible vaccine. Some believe that this is great news for all American citizens affected by the virus and the lockdowns while others believe that it is too early to be making a vaccine widely available. Some said they will refuse to take the vaccine and hope it is not something that is forced by the government and others believe it will have no impact on eradicating the virus.

The politicalization of COVID-19 has been an issue the people of the United States have faced since the beginning of the spread. From draconian lockdown policies, to threats of withholding a vaccine, there has been a struggle between Democrats and Republicans on how the country should move forward from the “invisible enemy”. But with the news of a, so far, successful vaccine, it should not be difficult to agree that no matter who is President or what party one identifies with, this vaccine could help millions of Americans and move the country past these times.