Statement on the Defeat of Proposition 16

Parents and Students for Racial Equality Helps Fight Against Quotas

CALIFORNIA: A measure on the ballot seeking to repeal Proposition 209 and reintroduce institutionalized and legal race-based admissions, contracting and hiring policies in all government agencies, including school settings, is heading for defeat in California. According to results compiled by the California Secretary of State, more than 56-percent of registered voters cast ballots against Proposition 16. Less than 44-percent supported it. The Election Day results mirrored recent polling that showed a lack of support for the measure.

The organization of Parents and Students for Racial Equality was formed in response to Proposition 16. The group organized bipartisan support of numerous California State legislators and opinion leaders who spoke out against the measure.

“I believe the election results show most Californians are against the idea of government preferences and quotas,” said Bob Huff, former California State Senate Minority Leader. “Californians desire a level playing field where admissions at our prestigious universities are based on merit and jobs and contracts are awarded because of experience and qualifications. While it may be true that racial quotas and preferences can help some people, it can also hurt them.”

Mei Mei Huff played an instrumental role in alerting Americans of Chinese descent and other members of the Asian-American population to the dangers of Proposition 16.

“Like most people who choose to immigrate to this country, I came for the opportunity that California offered, not racial preferences and quotas,” said Mei Mei Huff. “I truly believe that California is the land of promise and opportunity. Proposition 16 would have destroyed that vision that most immigrants hold dear.”


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