Tolerance Must Include Freedom of Speech

Written by Susan James

It has become clear to many that if you do not agree to what some believe, then you are not only wrong, but also racist.

The First Amendment allows all Americans freedom of speech and takes into consideration various opinions to be recognized and heard. No amount of “bullying” should be able to obliterate the fundamental constitutional right to that freedom. Whether it be political, personal, or religious.

As Voltaire has been described as saying, “I may disapprove with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Bullying was at one time a focus of the mainstream media because it concentrated on kids and the internet. Though now when it involves adults, it appears to be seen as a right and embraced by the same media. But causing fear and intimidation is wrong regardless of the age of the victim(s). This behavior can be linked to depression, substance abuse, and even suicide. Unfortunately, this same media overlooks this reality.

It is sad that many hard-working Americans have become afraid to voice their opinions, especially if it differs from a few in fear of retribution. We cannot let one squeaky wheel mean we all should be ‘greased’ by the same propaganda or be responsible for everyone with a complaint or disagreement.

The adage of “let’s agree to disagree” might be worth pondering in our present age. It is also a matter of respect for each other by ensuring alternative voices to be heard.

One of the overarching premises of America and our Constitution is freedom. Freedom to believe and speak—to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is for all Americans. Those who wish to diminish those rights are oppressive and must not be empowered—legally or socially.

Lately, anyone including some press has had to contend with the consequences of independent thinking. Why? 

I was always encouraged to think for myself and research facts versus fiction or opinions. Not that having an opinion is a negative, but we can always learn. Again, agree or disagree, but always strive for knowledge.

Recent attacks on individuals and business speak volumes as to how many have become intolerant. Ironically, those who claim to want tolerance have now become the most intolerant. Hopefully, those who are intolerant will realize that their behaviors project only more dissension.