San Diego City Councilman Scott Sherman Calls Out Barbara Bry’s Relentless Pandering

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

On Sunday, Republican San Diego City Councilman and former mayoral candidate Scott Sherman endorsed State Assemblyman Todd Gloria to be the next Mayor of San Diego. This endorsement—combined with Barbara Bry’s weak attack on Sherman via Twitter—has likely sunk her campaign.

During the primary, Sherman and Bry had nearly identical vote totals, while Gloria received a clear majority of the city’s votes. The only way Bry could have won was by somehow rallying Republicans behind her and using the combined vote totals to beat Gloria. There is no possible path to victory without a sizable majority of Republicans voting for Bry, but now that Sherman has endorsed Gloria, it’s all but over.

Naturally, Bry was incredibly petty about the endorsement and said that Sherman was just mad because he was “humiliated by a strong, independent woman.” Now in addition to being “strong and independent,” she will also be out of government.

With this endorsement, it is now all but certain that Todd Gloria will be the next Mayor of San Diego. While Republicans may have preferred Bry to Gloria, both are terrible—and Sherman’s reasoning for endorsing Gloria is understandable given Bry’s relentless and unapologetic pandering. Regardless of the outcome, the mayoral election is a loss for San Diegans.