Joel Anderson Endorsed by San Diego County Medical Society

On Sunday, former State Senator and current County Supervisor candidate Joel Anderson was officially endorsed by the San Diego County Medical Society. This adds to an ever-growing list of endorsements for Anderson, who has also been endorsed by the Republican Party of San Diego County, Santee Mayor John Minto, Lemon Grove Mayor Racquel Vasquez, the National Electrical Contractors Association, and many others.

The San Diego County Medical Society’s endorsement speaks volumes in that our brave first responders recognize Anderson as a community leader who has the experience and relationships needed to guide our county through the COVID-19 pandemic. Few political leaders have the discipline and compassion to foster lasting relationships over decades, but Anderson has shown the character to do so for many years.

During his time in the State Legislature, Anderson was admitted by colleagues from both sides of the political aisle, allowing him to achieve bipartisan compromises that put Californians first. He’s looking to do the same here in San Diego County, understanding that the needs and priorities of San Diegans must always come first.

Anderson’s lifetime of service has prepared him for the task at hand, and his willingness to embrace input from constituents will be integral to successfully navigating the rest of the pandemic.

For more information about Joel Anderson’s campaign, visit