Candidate Profile: Sarah Rhiley for La Mesa-Spring Valley School District Board

Written by Julianne Foster

The candidate endorsed by the Republican Party of San Diego County for La Mesa-Spring Valley School District Area 4 is Sarah Rhiley.

Sarah has lived in San Diego since 1999 when she moved here to attend San Diego State University, eventually achieving an MSBA. She quickly rose up the ranks for a Fortune 100 company. Sarah understands the challenges of having a full-time job as a parent, taking the role of being a stay-at-home parent, the challenges of being a military spouse, and what it’s like to advocate for her community. 

She is qualified for this position for numerous reasons, including her involvement in the district. Her children have all been students in schools of the La Mesa Spring Valley School District for more than seven years. When she and her husband chose to pause her career after the birth of their third daughter she was able to get more involved with the children’s school and community as a stay-at-home parent. 

“I would bring a bold new perspective to the district by advocating for family centric policies driven by a business background and proven fiscal responsibility,” Rhiley explained.

With the motivation to be an inspiration to her daughters, she returned to the workforce in 2018. Since Sarah has been involved in the LMSV School District the past seven years, she has seen it evolve and the heavy impact that certain decisions have on students, teachers, and parents in the community. Her goals to represent and serve the public can come true this year with the public’s support.

“Family comes first. Whether you’re a military family, a blended family, a single parent, a dually employed household the list goes on… Our families must come first,” Rhiley added.

As a parent concerned with the quality of education her children are receiving during COVID-19, her involvement in the district could prove influential to give parents in the same situation a voice in decisions to save their kids’ education. Parents balancing work and taking care of their kids at home in need of assistance with school and technological support can count on Rhiley’s support for them since she is sharing their struggles. She understands not everyone’s situation is the same.

“And that is okay. I will be your advocate. I want to hear from you; I will be proactive and strive to be available and approachable for all constituents,” she explained. “I will listen to your questions, concerns, and suggestions. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution, but there is one shared goal: Putting Families First.”

The social and emotional well-being of children is also something that weighs on her mind as kids aren’t receiving the healthy amount of time outside in public settings like they need to be experiencing.

“Now more than ever, schools should integrate support services to address issues ranging from physical health, emotional well-being, nutrition, and poverty,” said Rhiley.

Her abilities as a leader, experience within the district, and her desire to advocate for the under-represented make her a great candidate. She supports the opportunities that hybrid learning presents for the comfort and safety of parents and their children’s education. She also supports the Farm to School program, which provides students with a connection to fresh and healthy food choices to tend to their nutritional needs. It also strengthens the surrounding local economy, which is another reason why Rhiley is in support of it. 

This year, parents have been restricted from maximizing their students’ opportunities of attaining better education in charter schools and other schools that may be better equipped for online learning with the institution of Assembly Bill 98. Rhiley does support the public school system and is looking for ways to draw students for good reasons, and not through the use of force by unfairly changing the flow of money from the state to schools.

“I want our School District to not only weather this current storm, but to grow. To embrace this unprecedented opportunity and innovate. Now is the time for change!”

For more information about Sarah’s campaign, visit