State Proposition Campaigns Breaking Spending Records

Written by Julianne Foster

Approximately $473 million in total was raised in 2016 for California’s various ballot proposition campaigns. 2020 has featured an election cycle with an amount of money for the ballot propositions of the likes that have never been seen before. The number has already topped $684 million, while there is still time left before election day. 

Darry Sragow, publisher of the California Target Book, which tracks campaign finance data said, “There has been a steady increase in the total amount of money raised for ballot measure campaigns since 2014. But the astronomical spending this year is something we just haven’t seen before.”

Opposing sides have poured a very uneven amount of money into their campaigns as they try to convince the public to vote for their side. The weight of this year’s elections will not end after the final votes have been counted, as things have been heavily politicized and polarized, dividing Americans against each other as more and more take a voice in social unrest and decisions regarding the current state of the economy and the COVID-19 pandemic. The divide between people comes from how their own personal experiences impact their beliefs and their dissatisfaction when elected fail to live up to their expectations.

As political tensions rise and people are becoming more aware of corruption and the impact of governmental decisions on our daily lives, the public is trying to become more involved to be heard. The future of the economy and lives of millions will be profoundly affected by the results of this year’s election.

For example, the outcome of Proposition 22 can determine whether thousands get to keep their jobs as independent contractors, or if they will be forced to become restricted employees—or more likely, lose their jobs entirely. This threatens the economy with not only the loss of jobs, but also businesses who are considering leaving California for good.

After COVID-19 left the economy and peoples’ ability to support themselves in such a financially unstable situation, people are hoping for leaders in government who are going to listen and fight for their freedom.