San Francisco Schools Planning Name Changes to Appease Far Left Activists

The senseless obsession shared by the vocal few to purge the names of so many American figures from public life has made its way to San Francisco schools.

Rather than concentrating their efforts on reopening public school classrooms, the district has instead thought it more expedient to consider changing the names of 44 schools whose namesake can be connected to slavery, genocide, and oppression. Among those on the list are schools named after former Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson, along with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).

We have grown awfully accustomed to the constant attacks on those two great men, but the decision to include Sen. Feinstein apparently comes from her decision to replace a vandalized Confederate flag in front of City Hall back in 1986.

Feinstein has been a target of the Left for some time now, most recently for her positive remarks on the confirmation hearings for now-Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed has been a heavy critic of the district’s decision to rename one-third of its schools when the focus should clearly be on reopening safely.

“It’s offensive to parents who are juggling their children’s daily at-home learning schedules with doing their own jobs and maintaining their sanity,” said Mayor Breed. “It’s offensive to me as someone who went to public school, loves public school, and who knows how those years in the classroom are what lifted me out of poverty and into college. It’s offensive to our kids who are staring at their screens day after day instead of learning and growing with their classmates and friends.”

The district should have as its top priority the reopening of schools, but predictably, the Left’s fixation on issues that the great majority of Americans are neither concerned about nor affected by continues to hamper progress on the real concerns of the people. Some things are just a secondary concern for those out of touch with reality—reopening schools appears to be one of them.