San Diego Union-Tribune Endorses Radical Democrat Terra Lawson-Remer

Written by Michael Palomba

On Tuesday, The San Diego Union-Tribune officially endorsed Democrat Terra Lawson-Remer for County Supervisor District 3, calling incumbent Republican Kristin Gaspar “a profound disappointment.”

However, the U-T neglected to mention Lawson-Remer’s sketchy past, and the fact that she continues to focus on bashing her opponent rather than promoting her own experience and policies.

Let’s take a look at that past that the U-T so conveniently left out. For starters, Lawson-Remer has been arrested multiple times. In 2004, Lawson-Remer and three other protesters climbed a skyscraper in New York City during the Republican National Convention to protest the Iraq War. In the course of their stunt, a New York City police officer was injured, requiring 38 stitches. Lawson-Remer and her comrades were arrested for felony assault. Below is a photograph of Lawson-Remer being apprehended by the NYPD. 

Her troubled past does not end there, however. Lawson-Remer’s campaign is being funded by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, as well as other radicals. William Ayers is an internationally-known domestic terrorist and one of the founders of the militant leftist group the Weather Underground. Ayers is responsible for bombings of a New York City police station, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Capitol.

Before becoming a candidate for county supervisor, Lawson-Remer collected 100,000 in consulting fees from SEIU. When the primaries rolled around and Lawson-Remer was up against a more moderate Democrat, SEIU spent $70,000 to bolster her campaign and are expected to spend over $1,000,000 to get her elected in November. “They’re going to be my boss,” Lawson-Remer said in January of this year. 

I could go on and on about the shocking past of Terra Lawson-Remer, but that would take days to read through. However, you can visit this website to learn all you need to know about her.

I find it shameful that the Union-Tribune neglected to mention any of these easily proven facts regarding Lawson-Remer’s background. It’s almost as if they don’t want their readers to know who Terra Lawson-Remer really is. 

In addition to her past, she is more focused on aligning Supervisor Gaspar with President Trump than actually running on her own merits. If you visit her website, Lawson-Remer has an entire tab dedicated to the “Truth about Gaspar,” where she desperately tries to paint Gaspar as a blind Trump supporter. In fact, the page dedicated to “Truth about Gaspar” is longer than Terra’s own biography on her site, which certainly says something. 

With all of that being said, County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar has been an excellent representative of her constituents. She has worked tirelessly for her community throughout her term and will continue to put their interests first and make San Diego a better, safer place.

If you’d like to learn more about Kristin Gaspar, you can read our candidate profile on her or visit