Far-Left Groups Targeting Senator Dianne Feinstein Shows the Growing Divide on the Left

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has been asked to step down by progressive activist groups Demand Justice and Fix Our Senate as lead Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee for her handling of the recent confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“She has undercut Democrat’s position at every step of this process,” said Demand Justice Executive Director Brian Fallon. “If Senate Democrats are going to get their act together on the courts going forward, they cannot be led by someone who treats Sunrise activists with contempt and the Republican theft of a Supreme Court seat with kids gloves.”

Demand Justice vehemently opposes the nomination of conservative Supreme Court Justices. The group accuses President Trump of appointing judges who are “overwhelmingly white men, unqualified for their posts, and [who] consistently hold extreme, right-wing views.”

Criticism toward Sen. Feinstein came especially from her thanking Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for a civil confirmation hearing.

“This has been one of the best Senate hearings I have participated in. Thank you for your fairness and opportunity of going back and forth. It leaves one with a lot of hopes,” Feinstein said.

In response, Fix Our Senate Spokesman Eli Zupnick said, “Senator Feinstein is absolutely wrong about what is happening in the Senate and in her Committee.” He went on to claim that Barrett’s nomination “should not be treated as a legitimate confirmation process.”

NARAL Pro-Choice America is the latest left-wing organization to turn on Feinstein. NARAL President Ilyse Hogue called for new leadership and said that Feinstein “offered an appearance of credibility to the proceedings that is wildly out of step with the American people.” Hogue also called Barrett’s nomination “illegitimate” and a “power grab” by Republicans.

Of course, there is nothing illegitimate about it. Republicans control the presidency and the Senate—and the president’s term has certainly not ended. Realistically, Feinstein is unable to do anything about Barrett’s confirmation, while all those calling for her resignation are simply frustrated with this reality. They view the Supreme Court as a weapon to be pulled on the American people when they are powerless in the legislature.

Those leftists want Supreme Court Justices who will corrupt the Constitution with radical policies that they can agree with, even if that means calling for a complete overhaul of the judiciary. To them, Democrats like Feinstein are simply standing in the way.


Photo by David Lee via Flickr