State Senator Shannon Grove Criticizes Secretary of State Alex Padilla’s Illegal Contract with the Biden Campaign Team

On Tuesday, State Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove released a statement after the California State Controller cancelled a $35 million contract to a public affairs firm with strong ties to Democrat elites. California Secretary of State Alex Padilla awarded the multi-million dollar contract to SKD Knickerbocker which boasted strong connections to Joe Biden’s campaign team.

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) recently delivered a letter to the Secretary of State demanding that he discontinue future payments of the illegal multi-million dollar contract and recover funds that have already been paid out.

“By now you have learned that the State Controller has rejected the contract you entered into with SKDKnickerbocker for $35 million,” wrote the HJTA. “After you hid the contract and its details for over a month, the Controller correctly concluded that your office lacked any budget authority to spend $35 million of taxpayer funds on your voter outreach ‘campaign.'”

While Padilla’s actions are inexcusable and must be thoroughly investigated, it’s certainly relieving that the State Controller stepped in to prevent further unethical payments. Senator Grove echoed this sentiment, understanding that this sort of behavior is unacceptable at any time, but especially in the lead up to an election.

“After more than a month of excuses and contradictions by Alex Padilla, California’s election chief, I am thankful the State Controller agreed with us and stepped in to reject this partisan, get-out-the-vote contract with a ‘Team Biden’ PR firm,” Senator Grove explained. “Handing 35 million taxpayer dollars to a PR firm with a history of working on high-profile Democrat races in California was a reckless and unacceptable action. The integrity of our election system should have never been in doubt, especially by the state election’s chief.”