San Diego Unified School District Removes President Trump’s Letter from Food Boxes Delivered to Struggling Families

Written by Michael Palomba

San Diego Unified School District, the second largest school district in all of California, is making an unprecedented and highly political move regarding a letter from President Trump. 

The letter, written by the president to families in need, was placed in boxes of free groceries that are being distributed nationwide. 

It reads:

Dear family,

As president, safeguarding the health and well-being of our citizens is one of my highest priorities. As part of our response to the coronavirus, I prioritize sending nutritious food from our farmers to families in need throughout America. We are partnering with local organizations, farms, and ranches to ensure that you receive locally sourced fresh fruits and vegetables as well as dairy and meat products.

Over the last four weeks, we have delivered 50 million Farmers to Families Food Boxes to American families, and we will continue to serve those most in need during this challenging time. As our country reopens, I urge all Americans to continue to adhere to the important precautions set forth in the President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America and by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding how to best protect yourself and your family. A few key best practice is to support our nationwide recovery are: 

  1. Practice good hygiene and wash your hands;
  2. People who feel sick should stay home;
  3. Protect the most vulnerable individuals, including those 80+ years of age and those with pre-existing conditions. 
  4. Practice social distancing and consider wearing a face covering when in public

To learn more, please visit:

You and your loved ones are cherished members of our great American family. This pandemic has brought many hardships on millions of hard-working individuals and communities through no fault of their own. We will support America‘s recovery every step of the way. Together we will overcome this challenge, and our nation will emerge from this crisis stronger than ever before.


Donald Trump

The school district claims that the letter “significantly diminishes the scientifically backed importance of wearing a mask to protect against the transmission of COVID-19,” and therefore will be removing it before the boxes of food are distributed.

Not only is their reasoning completely false, but the audacity of the school district to remove a letter from the President of the United States is simply unbelievable.

The letter clearly states: “Practice social distancing and consider wearing a face-covering when in public.” This letter, in no way, shape, or form, diminishes the importance of wearing a mask. In fact, it specifically calls for wearing masks, practicing good hygiene, staying home if you feel sick, and protecting the most vulnerable.

The San Diego Unified School District Board of Education Members are abusing their positions and playing politics during a time of crisis.

I strongly encourage everyone to contact the board and let them know that we will not stand for this blatant politicization of our schools and urge them to reverse course on this shameful decision.

Contact information for San Diego Unified School District Board Members is below:

Main Contact – (619) 725-5550 –

John Lee Evans – District A:

Kevin Beiser – District B:

Michael McQuary – District C:

Richard Berrera – District D:

Sharon Whitehurst-Payne – District E: