Candidate Profile: Ed Musgrove for San Marcos City Council

Written by Julianne Foster

Ed Musgrove is the Republican Party of San Diego County’s endorsed candidate for San Marcos City Council District 4. 

After graduating from Poway High School, Musgrove decided to serve his country and joined the United States Army for the next six years of his life. During that time, he had a two-year tour at Fort Hood in Texas where he supervised the patrol operations. His time spent in the Army set him up for success in future positions, along with the desire to continue serving his country outside of the military. He received multiple awards from the military, including two Army Achievement medals, two Good Conduct medals, and one Army Commendation medal for his service in support of the National Security Agency.

Upon completing his service in the Army, Ed transitioned into a career working with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. He worked as a traffic investigator for almost four years, which taught him about the important role that well-engineered roads and traffic control devices play in the safety of drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. His leadership as a patrol supervisor during a critical situation involving a rooftop sniper in a neighborhood area led to multiple awards being given to him. He received the Medal of Valor from the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, another Medal of Valor from the National Sheriff’s Association, and the Medal for Heroism from the American Legion. 

Musgrove also earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Management and his master’s degree in Organizational Leadership. In 2009, he graduated from the FBI National Academy (Session 236) for Law Enforcement Leaders, and in 2018 he graduated from Leadership North County, which is presented by California State University, San Marcos.

After serving his country again with the police force, he was chosen to serve a four-year term with the San Marcos Traffic Commission. This job gave Ed a familiarity with the local roads and avenues to help the public and city staff to make the best decisions surrounding updating, adjusting, and maintaining the city’s roads. He continued to contribute to San Marcos in 2018, when he was selected as Planning Commissioner. His work there affected the Commission’s approval of projects which had enormous positive impacts on the city. Locals may recognize his contribution to the “Mission 316” homes, the conversion of a run down bank to affordable housing on Mission Road, the unfolding progress on North City, and the realignment of Discovery Street and more.

Ed has proven to be a public servant throughout his life, which includes extensive volunteering. He was given a Certificate of Recognition from State Senator Joel Anderson for his “Outstanding Volunteer Service.” His education and experience has allowed him to have the opportunity to work his sole-proprietor consulting business in his home when he is not spending his time volunteering. Ed works with the San Marcos Lions Club, San Marcos Rotary Club, and the San Marcos Boys & Girls Club. He is also the immediate past president of the San Diego County Law Enforcement Foundation.

His goals of being a part of the San Marcos City Council are to serve as a voice for the community—particularly for those who aren’t being heard. Ed’s proven leadership skills and passion for public safety through his service with the Army and the Sheriff’s Department provide him with the skills and experience to have a great impact. His knowledge and experience in business, management, budgeting, and leadership in city politics make him an ideal candidate for this position.

Musgrove would also like to improve communications between the San Marcos Unified School District and the City Council to advance the needs of local students. Lastly, he is looking forward to having a chance to work with local and regional developers to have productive communications on how to make good decisions regarding local housing needs.

Ed has been endorsed by the Latino American Political Association, the San Diego County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, the San Marcos Firefighter’s Association, the Lincoln Club of San Diego County, San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones, San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore, and many more.

For more information about Ed Musgrove’s campaign, visit