Boys to Men Organization Continuing to Help Fatherless Teenage Boys Throughout Pandemic

Boys to Men is a mentoring network that was founded right here in San Diego by Herb Sigurdson, Joe Sigurdson, and Craig McClain. The organization was started to support fatherless teenage boys in the community and has helped over 12,000 boys and men since its creation in 1996. 

Today, Boys to Men operates in dozens of schools, living centers, and community centers, continuing their commitment to helping young boys even though the pandemic. 

COVID-19 and the major life changes that have been implimented as a result of it have made the world that much more difficult for fatherless boys in our community. In a recent email to supporters, co-founder Joe Sigurdson painted a heartbreaking picture of what life looks like for many boys in the program right now.  

Your mom has to work so you’re now in charge of getting your little brother and sister ready for virtual school. You live in a 2 bedroom apartment and struggle to focus on your teacher because you can hear the teachers of your siblings coming from across the room,” wrote Sigurdson. “When your school day ends, you open up social media only to find your friends and family are feeling just as overwhelmed, confused, and panicked as you feel inside.”

Thankfully, Boys to Men currently hosts virtual groups where struggling boys can vent about frustrations, spend time with friends, and get weekly support to help them with the new challenges they are facing. The groups help to restore a sense of structure, consistency, and safety to many of these boys who need an escape from the pressures in their daily lives.

“Our kids shouldn’t have to figure all of this out on their own,” the organization added. “Let’s make sure they never feel like they have to.”

To learn more about Boys to Men, the crucial services they provide, and how you can contribute, visit


Photo via Boys to Men Facebook Page