Candidate Profile: Paul Starita for Superior Court Judge

Paul Starita is the Republican Party of San Diego County’s endorsed candidate for Superior Court 30. He is the only candidate for Office 30 who has been rated “Exceptionally Qualified” by the San Diego County Bar Association, and for good reason, as his experience is unparalleled.

Starita has trial experience in the Criminal and Civil Divisions, and has tried over 50 cases to verdict over the course of his career. He worked as a federal prosecutor, prosecuting hundreds of criminal cases involving drug trafficking, human smuggling, and violent crime for nearly a decade, before becoming a civil trial attorney six years ago. He has prosecuted civil fraud cases as well as defended the United States in a variety of cases. For the last four years, Starita has taught first year law students at the University of San Diego School of Law.

His judicial experience includes four years serving as a Military Judge, two of which he served as Senior Trial Judge for the Marine Reserve Trial Judiciary, supervising other Military Judges. Additionally, Starita has served intermittently for over 25 years as a Preliminary Hearing Officer who heard testimony, reviewed evidence, and made probable cause determinations for over 50 military criminal justice cases.

He also served in the United States Marine Corps on active duty and in the Reserves for nearly 30 years, attaining the rank of Colonel and serving in several leadership positions. He was mobilized for active duty twice during the War on Terror, serving as a Marine defense counsel defending Marines in Iraq and serving on the legal staff at United States Africa Command. His service as a Marine Judge Advocate was recognized by the Judge Advocates Association with a career achievement award.

Not only does his vast experience display his expertise, but countless endorsements back it up. These include 26 current and retired members of the Superior Court, numerous elected officials, and various law enforcement groups, such as The San Diego Deputy District Attorneys Association, the Peace Officers Research Association of California, and more.

Paul Starita is the only candidate with this kind of experience and support—and he’s earned it for good reason. Ensuring justice and equality under the law means electing qualified leaders like him to the Superior Court.

For more information about Paul Starita and his campaign for Superior Court Seat 30, visit