Chula Vista Rally Shows President Trump’s Grassroots Support

On Friday, yet another local rally was held in support of President Donald Trump. The grassroots events have become a weekly occurrence across San Diego County, with countless patriots enthusiastically showing up to promote the president.

While many consider San Diego County to be shifting left, these rallies provide genuine optimism that there is a passion brewing in the hearts and minds of San Diegans. This energy has been consistent for the duration of President Trump’s first term in office, but is clearly ramping up as November approaches.

Friday’s rally was in Chula Vista off of East H Street, where attendees waved their signs, flags, hats, and other material as cars drove by. The response was overwhelmingly positive, as one car after another honked in appreciation and solidarity with their fellow patriots.

While many on the Left seek to portray Trump supporters as “old white men,” the crowd at this rally—and all of the others—reveals that this simply is not the case. The fact is that President Trump has acquired significant support from members of all minority groups who stand with his America First agenda.

As you drive around San Diego, keep an eye out for a group of proud Trump supporters showing their love not just of our president, but our country. Better yet, considering joining in on the fun!