Incumbent Democrats’ Refusal to Debate is a Betrayal of Their Constituents

Written by Carolyn Wells, Speakers Chair of Conservative Order for Good Government

As Speakers Chair for Conservative Order of Good Government (COGG) in Rancho Bernardo, I’ve asked Chief of Staff Lance Witmondt time and again for Assemblyman Brian Maienschein to debate with Republican candidate June Yang Cutter at our September meeting, and he has refused to answer me.

When he refuses to respond, he is telling me Maienschein is a coward and afraid that he would lose the debate—and voters. Witmondt even gave me his personal email so I could ask Assemblyman Maienschein to debate directly.

There isn’t even a local phone number on his website. I also see that Rep. Mike Levin is also refusing to debate Brian Maryott. These men are supposed to serve as representatives of the people. If they refuse to be accessible to the citizens, then it’s time for change.

We do not learn from the words of politicians, but from their behavior. I simply want my representatives to stand up and be accountable for their actions—and to be accessible to citizens.