San Diego Young Republicans Hosting Carl DeMaio for Virtual Event Wednesday Night

On Wednesday, the San Diego Young Republicans will be hosting a virtual event featuring Carl DeMaio. The livestream will begin at 6:30 p.m. and end around 7:30 p.m.

DeMaio is a grassroots conservative activist, radio show host, former San Diego City Councilman, and Chairman of Reform California. Few people have done more and fought harder for conservative values and policies in San Diego than DeMaio, who will spend part of the evening discussing some of the tax hikes that are on the November ballot.

As taxes and debt continue to make California increasingly unaffordable for working families, the importance of opposing new taxes and voting out those who support them is as important as ever. The socialist agenda of Democrats in San Diego and across California threatens both freedom and prosperity, which DeMaio has spent his life defending.

You can register for the free event here, and learn more about it on the San Diego Young Republicans Facebook page.