Candidate Profile: Jim DeBello for Congress

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Jim DeBello is the Republican Party of San Diego County’s endorsed candidate for the 52nd Congressional District.

DeBello is a successful businessman and tech innovator who wants to take the skills he developed in the private sector to represent San Diegans in Congress. He is an expert on foreign trade, particularly between China and the United States, which is a highly valuable skill in the current political climate.

One of the issues that DeBello is most concerned about is the widening budget deficit and the rapidly increasing national debt. He wants to ensure that the federal budget defaults to the previous year if a new one is not passed in order to prevent government shutdowns and unrestrained spending. He also wants to withhold travel reimbursement and pay from Congress until a balanced budget is passed. “Shutdowns and deficits cost American Taxpayers billions of dollars in lost wages and opportunity,” said DeBello. “Yet Congress keeps their perks. It’s not right and cannot be tolerated.”

Another issue DeBello is focused on is the environment. He says that, if elected, he will focus on solving the Tijuana sewage problem, which has caused unacceptable levels of water pollution in southern San Diego. He also wants to invest in renewable energy, though he believes that it’s foolish to eliminate natural gas and oil. DeBello will fight to ensure that America remains energy independent through tax incentives that encourage the innovation needed to create jobs and sustainable energy.

He is also committing to reforming our immigration system by enacting sensible policies and procedures that end the gaming of our laws, while increasing border security by using technology and physical barriers to stem the flow of illegal crossings.

Finally, DeBello is a proud supporter of our brave soldiers and believes that the U.S. military is the source of liberty and safety in the world. He is focused on threats from China, Russia, North Korea, and the Middle East, with an eye on peace through strength and prudent diplomacy. DeBello also wants to ensure that our military heroes are taken care of with increased pay and a VA that is directly accountable to those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. “Our service men and women only recently received a critical pay adjustment to meet increasing costs of living,” DeBello explained. “Let us say ‘thank you for your service’ with action, not words.”

Jim DeBello is committed to serving San Diego and the nation as a whole. His policies, unlike those of Democrat Rep. Scott Peters, will strengthen America and focus on the needs of San Dieagans.

For more information about Jim DeBello and his campaign, visit