State Assembly Candidate Melanie Burkholder Endorsed by California Women’s Leadership Association

State Assembly candidate Melanie Burkholder has added to her lengthy list of official endorsements, with the California Women’s Leadership Association (CWLA) Political Action Committee proudly endorsing her campaign for Assembly District 76.

The CWLA is a statewide organization committed to uniting influential women to effect meaningful change in the community and government through education and advocacy. They are one of the leading organizations dedicated to launching female leaders into elected office and other key positions of leadership.

Burkholder’s support for free market principles, limited government, individual freedom, personal responsibility, government accountability, and lower taxes clearly aligns with the CWLA, making the endorsement a no-brainer.

“I am thrilled to be formally endorsed by the California Women’s Leadership Association Political Action Committee,” said Burkholder.

The CWLA was founded by a coalition of eight women in 1994 who knew that fiscally conservative, politically concerned women should have more influence and impact in California politics. Two of these founding members have since been elected to office: Congresswoman Mimi Walters and State Senator Pat Bates. This endorsement brings Burkholder one step closer to joining that exclusive club, building on her reputation as a community leader and inspiration to other women.

Burkholder has also been endorsed by the California Republican Party, Republican Party of San Diego County, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, California State Senate Minority Leader Shannon Grove, former Congressman Darrell Issa, and many more.

For more information about Melanie Burkholder’s campaign, visit