Reject the Extremism of the Democrat Party

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

2020 is shaping up to be one of the most divisive and chaotic years in American political history. It seems that Democrats and Republicans are split evenly along partisan lines and there is basically no agreement on anything. But hopefully there is one thing that Republicans and reasonable Democrats can agree on: the Democrat Party has gone too far.

While there are riots in the streets and people are dying, Democrats pretend the violence isn’t happening and even cover for the rioters. Elected Democrats refuse to even condemn ANTIFA, and instead walk out of congressional hearings when asked to do so.

In addition to covering for violence in the streets, the Democrat Party has fully embraced radicalism. What does it show when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls Republicans ‘enemies of the state’? This is the language of fascists and communists, and should never be tolerated in America.

In addition to hateful and divisive rhetoric, Democrats have fully embraced socialism. Presidential nominee Joe Biden has claimed that if elected president, he will be the “most progressive president in history.” While he may claim that he’s a moderate, his policy positions, endorsements, and even his vice presidential pick show something very different.

By contrast, President Donald Trump honors America and will ensure that the rule of law is respected in the United States. Though Trump is a conservative, has done more to accomplish some ostensibly liberal goals than Biden ever has. For instance, Biden’s landmark criminal justice bill put minorities in prison for harmless behavior, and Trump’s First Step Act set them free. Biden voted for the Iraq War, while Trump is actively trying to end the war and bring our troops home.

These and numerous other promises—such as making sure illegal immigrants don’t take jobs from American workers and returning manufacturing back to America—are policies that the entire nation should be able to get behind.


Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr