Democrat Priorities Continue to Exclude Working Californians

Following the oppressive AB 5 mandate to do away with independent business contracts, many businesses and professionals have spent 2020 fighting for exemptions. Ride-sharing companies, such as Uber and Lyft, have been primary targets of Democrats and their labor union supporters. What has resulted is ongoing litigation over what industries and businesses are exempt for compliance with AB 5, creating confusion and uncertainty in a time when that’s the last thing Californians need.

“This is a complete and utter catastrophe,” said State Senator Jim Nielsen. “Hundreds of thousands of Californians have been sitting on pins and needles waiting for various court decisions. They fear facing a dismal job market that has resulted from haphazard COVID-19 shutdowns.”

The exacerbation of the COVID-19 crisis by AB 5 is evident, as hundreds of thousands of workers are prevented from earning income the way they have for years. While Democrats may feel a righteous indignation directed at corporations, the real victims of their policies are working and middle class Californians already struggling to make ends meet.

Uber and Lyft have become a crucial part of the California economy and the daily lives of countless Californians. These independent contracting jobs offer flexible hours and competitive hourly pay, with most drivers relying on it as a secondary source of income. Millions of Californians depend on these ride-share services to go to the doctor, to get food, and countless other critical needs. The audacity of Democrats to deprive Californians of these vital services is stunning and speaks volumes about their true priorities.

“California is facing a deep recession,” Senator Nielsen added. “Sacramento Democrats’ actions ensure that the state continues to be hostile to employers and promotes their exodus, leaving the people of this increasingly unaffordable state without jobs.”