Brian Maryott Signs Pledge to Support Congressional Term Limits

On Tuesday, congressional candidate Brian Maryott announced that he signed the U.S. Term limits pledge as part of his list of campaign promises to voters in the 49th Congressional District. In signing this, Maryott pledges to cosponsor and vote for the amendment, which would impose term limits on members of the House of Representatives and Senate.

Term limits have long been a popular proposal among American voters, but self-interested career politicians have refused to pay much attention. Ambitious politicians, like far-left Democrat Rep. Mike Levin, have also typically been hostile to term limits as they see them as restraints on the political power they would like to accumulate. This mentality explains much of what is wrong in Congress, and Maryott is the rare candidate willing to rely on actions rather than words.

“D.C. has far too many career politicians who care more about their celebrity status than their constituents. Our Founding Fathers did not include term limits in the Constitution, but they did express concerns about the creation of a permanent political class ruling over the people rather than by and for the people,” said Maryott. “Entrenched representatives in Congress present a clear obstruction to collaboration and compromise. That’s why I support term limits on Congress.”

Maryott’s policy platform focuses on smart environmental policy to protect the California coastline, tax reform to ease the burden on working class families, and sensible healthcare reform to foster competition and choice in a field burdened by regulation and excessive costs.

For more information about Brian Maryott’s campaign, visit