Candidate Profile: Brian Maryott For Congress

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Brian Maryott is the Republican Party of San Diego County’s endorsed candidate for the 49th Congressional District. He is running against Democrat incumbent Rep. Mike Levin, a faux moderate Democrat that voted for the impeachment of President and adamantly supports the Green New Deal, among other radical policies.

Maryott is a certified financial planner. For decades, he has specialized in ensuring that San Diegans were able to plan for college, invest for the future, and retire without having to worry about money. The skillset in the private sector translates extremely well to government and embodies precisely the kind of experience and leadership Congress sorely lacks.

“As a Certified Financial Planner, I’ve spent most of my career helping families save for a rainy day, send their kids to college, and retire with dignity,” Maryott said. “I’m also a local elected official who knows how to use common sense leadership and work with people from all walks of life to get results.”

His skills and expertise are desperately needed in a Congress that has now presided over $26 trillion in national debt and spends almost $18 billion per day. We need someone that can ensure responsible fiscal spending and won’t waste taxpayer dollars the way Rep. Levin shamelessly does.

In addition to the economy, another issue Maryott is passionate about is the environment. He will work to protect the environment by supporting pro-business incentives for renewable energy and expanding the 45Q Tax Credit for corporations that capture carbon during production. His plan will not only preserve the environment, but it will also ensure American energy independence technological innovation economy to keep the U.S. economy atop the global marketplace.

He is also focused on protecting and enhancing the American healthcare system, which continues to excel in research and development. Maryott is also committed to properly funding our military to ensure peace, and standing with our veterans when they return home from admirably serving our nation.

“As your Congressman I pledge to always do what is best for our district, not cater to special interests and fringe socialist interests,” Maryott added.

Brian Maryott’s commitment to evidence-based policies and consistent public accountability is exactly what Congress needs. Unlike Levin, who wants to push socialism, Maryott truly stands for the values of San Diego and America as a whole.

For more information about Brian Maryott’s congressional campaign, visit