San Diego City Council Candidate Joe Leventhal Calls Out Opponent for Deceiving Voters with “False and Misleading” Ballot Title

On Monday, San Diego City Council candidate Joe Leventhal called on his opponent, Marni von Wilpert, to stop misleading voters about her background and experience.

Leventhal’s request comes on the heels of winning a lawsuit regarding von Wilpert’s use of highly deceptive ballot materials. In an effort to preserve the integrity of the election process, Leventhal filed the lawsuit to challenge von Wilpert’s false ballot language.

Superior Court Judge Richard E. Strauss ruled that “von Wilpert’s use of the term ‘prosecutor’ is false and misleading” because she has zero experience in criminal prosecution.

If von Wilpert were to continue to use the title “prosecutor” in her campaign materials, she will be ignoring a Superior Court judge’s ruling that she is being “false and misleading.” This kind of behavior is clearly inappropriate for someone who would live to serve on a council and represent hundreds of thousands of San Diegans.

“This decision proves that Marni von Wilpert is not being honest with voters and reflects a pattern of false and exaggerated statements about her qualifications and experience for political gain,” said Joe Leventhal. “While her political party has turned decidedly against law enforcement, von Wilpert was willing to lie to voters to portray herself as someone she’s not. Her profession is not the only thing about von Wilpert that is make believe.”

For more information about Joe Leventhal and his campaign for San Diego City Council District 5, visit