How Addiction to Cell Phones and Technology has Distorted the American Spirit

Written by Susan Tubielewicz

In these days of technology driven lives, many have lost the ability to communicate, feel and care on a human level, let alone enjoy the Christmas spirit. Much of how we express our feelings is done via text or email.

Instead of truly expanding and connecting to our world, this new technology seems to do the opposite. Technology has its benefits, but when it comes to bringing everyone together in a personal way and having actual conversations, not so much.

Everyone seems to be in their own world, oblivious to what is going on around them. Simple conversations see to be a challenge for many especially, for the generation termed “millennials.”  It’s astounding how they seem to think they have their fingers on the pulse of the world, but most likely don’t even know how to take one. Though, they could easily look it up on the internet, but to actually take a pulse they would have to put down their phones.

Car accidents involving cell phone use while driving have dramatically increased. Laws have had to be introduced to help decrease this travesty as well as fines associated with breaking them. All because the average person seems to have lost the ability to use “common sense.” It’s very much like the ridiculous disclaimers that have been put in place such as hot coffee warnings, not to use electric devices around water, etc. One would hope common sense would prevail, but due to lack of sense and our litigious society, we are forced to dumb down and attach this disclaimer information.

All millennials who support socialism—yet lack socialization—fail to comprehend that these devices they have become so obsessed would not be readily available under a socialist regime. Many older Americans have observed this lack of awareness and wonder what happened to the ability to speak intelligently and write in English, with no text abbreviations.

Christmas is time for reuniting with our loved ones and friends. Showing care and concern for others requires eye contact, asking someone directly if they are okay or need assistance, and by giving others respect and consideration by addressing them as human beings. That is one of the greatest gifts we can give to one another.

Giving presents is wonderful, but the greatest gift to give doesn’t cost anything at all. Kindness, care, and compassion go a long way. Being present in life is a gift to you. How about a challenge? Put down your phone for an hour a day. Then open your eyes, heart, and mind to the amazing world around you.