Democrat San Diego City Councilwoman Jennifer Campbell Says People Not Wearing Masks Should Be Arrested

Written by Michael Palomba

Last week, Democrat San Diego City Councilwoman Jennifer Campbell offered a rather authoritarian message for non-mask wearers: if you don’t wear a mask, you should be arrested.

Councilwoman Campbell made the outrageous statement during a press conference in Ocean Beach park. “The County Sheriff should be here arresting people who aren’t wearing masks, who aren’t distancing, and who are coming together too strong,” said Campbell.

She neglected to mention the hundreds of Black Lives Matter rioters and protesters who have been gathering in large numbers, ignoring mask regulations, and violating social distancing guidelines. However, she made sure to attack President Trump, saying that “we have not had the kind of national leadership we need, but we have an election coming. So hopefully that will change.”

KUSI News reported that “Campbell herself wasn’t even following social distancing guidelines during her time at the park. She was within six feet of many people for most of the time.”

One resident who attended the press conference voiced his opposition to Campbell’s sheer hypocrisy. “While you have all your bars open, it’s not okay to have some hippies out here having a good time… No rioting here, a bunch of people having a good time—that’s against the law,” the resident said. “If you want to have a riot, that’s okay. If you want to get drunk at a bar, that’s okay. If you want to do yoga in the park, or if you want to feed your child because you need to sell something here, that’s a problem. Can I get an amen?”

Calling for people to be arrested, or even fined, just for not wearing a mask is ridiculous. We still live in America and we still have our freedom, despite Democrat ambitions to eliminate such freedom.

While it may make sense to require masks indoors, a draconian order to wear masks everywhere is unnecessary, to say the least. Councilwoman Campbell is fear-mongering in a shallow attempt to score political points—and that is the last thing we need from our elected officials right now.