Local Women Leaders Uniting in Support of Jim DeBello for Congress

With the COVID-19 crisis and subsequent statewide lockdowns preventing many small businesses and schools from reopening, there is increasing momentum for a restoration of local control, as well as political leaders who will actually put the public first.

Congressional candidate Jim DeBello seems to fit the profile for many San Diegans, including a variety of leading women who have made their support for DeBello very clear.

“In times of crisis it is important to have leadership in place with the proper training and tools to address the situation at hand,” said former CEO of American Red Cross San Diego Ronne Froman. “During the economic crisis we find ourselves today, there is no one more experienced and equipped than Jim DeBello to help lead us on a path to recovery.”

Across the political spectrum, people are tired of how status quo politicians have held us back. True leaders—including DeBello and many of those supporting him—understand that the road ahead will require hard work and dedication.

“When it comes down to who is going to be the best suited for our country during this time, we need someone with a proven background in business, not a career politician,” said San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones.

Women leaders are supporting Jim DeBello because they are excited about who he is and what he has accomplished. “Jim is full of energy, full of light, full of great ideas, and he gets the job done,” explained former Girl Scouts San Diego CEO Jo Dee Jacob. “That is the kind of person we need in Congress right now, someone that actually wants this difficult job and has the skills to go along with it.”

“The culture and discourse in Washington need to be changed,” added San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob. “Jim will focus on the needs of our region, not on political gamesmanship.”

DeBello clearly has the support of many women leaders who are ready to stand with him and fight for the change we need. The change that puts people first, and discards the political pandering that Americans have had enough of.

For more information about Jim DeBello and his congressional campaign, visit DeBelloCongress.com.