Car Rallies Organized Against the Return of Affirmative Action Sweep Across California

Written by Ainsley Jackman

The constitutional equality of Californians is being put at risk yet again with Proposition 16, a statewide ballot proposition that would overturn Proposition 209.

In 1996, Californians passed Prop 209 to overturn affirmative action by prohibiting discrimination or preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, contracting, and education.

The “No on 16” campaign has been gaining momentum in recent weeks with three car rallies hosted last weekend by Californians for Equal Rights. By contrast, the pro-Prop 16 side has yet to establish any real grassroots activism. The rallies were extremely successful, taking place in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Sacramento, with each gathering thousands of individuals in hundreds of cars.

Press conferences featuring prominent keynote speakers were held at each, and thousands of dollars were gathered for cause, made up almost entirely of small contributions coming from everyday citizens rather that special interests.

June Cutter, a Republican candidate for the State Assembly District 77, spoke at the San Diego rally this past Saturday. She noted the importance of preserving our constitutionally-guaranteed right to equality, instead of reversing the massive gains in diversity and global competition achieved since the passage of Prop 209. Her campaign stands for equal rights and opportunities for all Californians, and her vocal opposition to Prop 16 demonstrates just how serious she is.