State Assembly Candidate June Cutter Endorsed by Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and Former San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman

June Cutter, candidate for State Assembly District 77, has been pouring her heart into her campaign from the beginning, and it’s truly been reflected in the support she has received across the board.

Cutter recently received two new endorsements from big names in California, which join the ranks of many reputable organizations and figures that support her bid to defeat Assemblyman Brian Maienschein.

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association announced its support for June Cutter, who opposes tax increases and hopes to put more money into the pockets of hard-working Californians. “In Sacramento, I will oppose unnecessary tax increases and support common sense solutions that make California more affordable for hard-working families like yours and mine,” said Cutter.

Cutter also received the support of former San Diego Police Chief Shelly Zimmerman, who remains very respected in the community for her incredible service. “I am honored to receive the endorsement of Shelley Zimmerman — a true trailblazer and stellar example of what it means to be a woman in government,” Cutter added.

These two join the ranks of many reputable individuals and organizations who have endorsed Cutter, such as the California Women’s Leadership PAC, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones, Poway Mayor Steve Vaus, Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey, and many more.

For more information about June Cutter’s campaign for State Assembly, visit