Joe Biden Selecting Kamala Harris as Vice Presidential Nominee is a Sign of Democrat Desperation

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

It’s official: Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick is Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA). She was widely considered to be the frontrunner for the selection, ahead of names like Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) and former National Security Advisor Susan Rice. Biden’s pick is positive for the Republican Party and the fact that Harris was the “safe pick” is only proof of how much trouble the Democrats are in.

As a direct result of years of identity politics and ideological purity tests, the only person left to run with Biden is Harris. In any sane party, she would be a third tier candidate at best, but if Joe Biden were to win, she would be the Vice President of the United States.

When Biden announced early on in the campaign that he would only select a woman as vice president, he severely restricted his choices. Even still, he could have chosen someone who had moderate appeal such as Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) or Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), but because of the identity politics of the far-left, he was stuck choosing between three women who were each racial minorities.

Biden could have used his vice presidential pick to gain support in swing states or put someone charismatic on the ticket, but instead he put Kamala Harris, who represents the most Democratic state in the nation and is so hated that she may actually get black voters to side with Trump. The only groups that Harris helps with are Californians and the far-left, who were going to vote for Biden anyway. Contrast this with Mike Pence, who brought evangelicals to Trump, was instrumental in winning the midwest, and prevented states like Indiana from flipping left.

The worst part for Democrats is that she was the only choice Biden could make. If Biden picked Susan Rice, the election may as well have been called for Trump then and there—and no one knows or cares about Karen Bass. 

Everybody knows about Sen. Harris’ failings. She was a prosecutor that put black people behind bars for years longer than their crimes warranted in order to further her career. This is common knowledge now and will certainly be brought up by President Trump, who signed major criminal justice reform via the First Step Act.

The Democratic Party is destroying itself. Jokes that conservatives often make about only black female communists being allowed in the Democratic Party are proving true. Maybe when they are defeated in 2020, Democrats will regain some sense. But more likely, they will continue their long and steep decline.


Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr