Long Time Chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego County Announces New Leadership Team for 2021 and Beyond

At an Executive Committee meeting on Monday evening, Tony Krvaric announced a leadership team to take over when his current term ends in January, 2021.

Krvaric was first elected in 2007, taking over after Ron Nehring was elected California Republican Party chairman. He was subsequently re-elected six times and will have served nearly 14 years as chairman.

The new leadership team will consist of Paula Whitsell as Chairman, Dustin Trotter as 1st Vice Chair, Brad Gerbel as 2nd Vice Chair, Elizabeth Spillane as Treasurer, and Andrew Skale as Secretary.

Paula is a small business owner in the South Bay. She lived and worked in Brazil for 17 years before returning to the San Diego area in 1989 with her family. She has been active with the Chula Vista Bonita Republican Women as well as the San Diego County Republican Women since 2009.

Paula currently serves as Second Vice Chair and was recently re-elected to the 80th Assembly District Caucus for the upcoming term. Having seen the effects of socialism in action while in Brazil, she is a passionate voice for Republican values.

The leadership team will stand for election in January of 2021, all support each other, and have the full backing of Chairman Krvaric who said, “We have built a great thing in San Diego County. While we can always improve, we are seen as a leading county in organizing, fundraising, and taking the fight to the Democrats, which we call Operation: Permanent Offense. I stand behind this team 100% and look forward to doing everything I can to help them be successful and take our county to the next level.”

It should also be noted that current Executive Director Jordan Gascon has agreed to stay on under this leadership team. The entire team is united in focusing on electing and re-electing Republicans for this cycle and will not be making any other statements until after the November election.

Krvaric concluded, “Politics is in my blood. Rest assured I am not going away but will find other ways to serve and advance freedom. I will continue to help San Diego County in any way that I am called upon.”

This article was first published on FlashReport.