State Senator Brian Jones Hosting Tele-Town Hall Wednesday Night

State Senator Brian Jones will be hosting a tele-town hall to announce legislative updates regarding Sacramento, Senate District 38, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

It will take place at 6 p.m. this Wednesday, August 5, through a phone conference. Senator Jones will be discussing what he has been doing to assist constituents during the COVID-19 pandemic, and will be providing updates about various pieces of legislation as well as his thoughts on the Legislature so far this year.

Jones will also be answering questions from his constituents during the event, and is asking for all questions to be submitted in advance in order to streamline the teleconference process. 

Senator Jones has been fighting for San Diegans throughout the pandemic, a task that is more important now than ever. With the legislative session coming to a close, this town hall will be a good way to reflect on the past few months and discuss new ways to move forward.

Those interested in attending can RSVP here in order to receive the call-in number. The deadline for question submissions is today at noon.