Violent Riots Continuing Across California

Written by Michael Palomba

After several months of protests, Black Lives Matter supporters still are not backing down. In fact, they’re getting more and more destructive. Last week in Oakland, protesters set fire to a courthouse, vandalized a police station, and even shot fireworks at officers. 

The protest, which allegedly began peacefully, quickly became unruly. People were spray painting graffiti, smashing windows, and pointing lasers at officers who were attempting to quell the situation. Just last month, several federal officers in Portland were permanently blinded when protesters shined lasers at their eyes. 

Additionally, while they claim to be fighting for equality, police said that the protesters were “chanting racial slurs at residents.”

An “unlawful assembly” was declared around 11:30 p.m. which led to a man kicking down the barricades around the Alameda County Superior Courthouse. Several arrests were made, but no details of those arrests have been provided. 

Black Lives Matter and its supporters have proven to be radical, anti-American, and borderline terroristic. Chanting racial slurs, destroying federal property, and being outright lawless has nothing to do with helping black lives or anyone else, for that matter. In Portland, Black Lives Matter protesters were even spotted burning Bibles and American flags. What does that have to do with equality?

The majority of Americans do not want the radical changes that BLM is fighting for, like defunding the police and the abolishment of capitalism, so why has this disgusting behavior been given a free pass for so long? Police departments, federal agencies, and whatever other resources we have need to be utilized to end these violent demonstrations and bring us back to a state of law, order, and peace.


Photo by Derek Simeone via Flickr