County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Celebrate Job-Killing Policies

Written by Michael Palomba

Despite being married and living under the same roof, County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez took to Twitter to poke some fun at the fact that Gonzalez is famous for creating job-killing bills, as if that is some sort of joke. 

Here is their exchange:

An “automated strike zone program” is a baseball reference that means effectively removing home plate umpires in favor of allowing an automated strike-calling system do their job. 

When Gonzalez jokingly calls it a “job killer,” her husband replies that “job killer” is what others call her trademark pieces of legislation. Gonzalez’s reply of “touché” indicates a self-aggrandizing attitude and sheer disregard of any sympathy or interest in all of the jobs that have been lost as a direct result of policies she has forwarded.

Her most famous “job killer” is Assembly Bill 5, which essentially outlawed freelancing and independent contracting, destroying the gig economy in California. While Fletcher and his wife may believe that the bill “make(s) the world a better place,” the thousands of independent contractors who became jobless as a result of it probably feel differently. Of course, neither Gonzalez nor Fletcher feel bad for those people.

Do Fletcher and Gonzalez really believe that their job-killing bill is making the world a better place? How could they be so insensitive to all the people who became jobless because of it, especially at a time when unemployment is staggeringly high. 

This just goes to show that neither of them really care about all of their constituents. They only care about bolstering the unions that fund their campaigns and furthering the corresponding far-left agenda, and they aren’t being shy about it either.