Joe Biden Promises “Change” that He Knows He Will Not Bring

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

In recent months, Joe Biden has frequently cited problems in America, real or perceived. He claims that he has a plan for all of them, but as 36 years in the Senate and eight years as second in command to the most powerful man in the world showed, he will do absolutely nothing. 

Joe Biden is the epitome of the establishment. From being the youngest member of the 93rd Congress at 29 to one of the oldest presidential candidates ever at 77, the only thing that distinguishes him from the rest of the “swamp” that President Trump rails against is his multitude of embarrassing gaffes, in which he leads head and shoulders above the rest. 

Biden has never really passed any groundbreaking legislation or taken any memorable stance on important issues, which makes the only thing remarkable about his career the fact that he managed to hold power without any semblance of charisma or individuality. Supporters may point to him being the vice president for the first black president, but that just proves my point. 

President Obama only picked Biden because his own lack of experience represented a potential weakness, so he needed someone with experience and connections whose name wasn’t Hillary Clinton. Obama also needed someone that could appeal to white voters given his early association with radical preacher Jeremiah Wright. In other words, he needed a safe, seemingly moderate pick, and Joe Biden fit the bill. 

Now that Biden is on his own, the Left is beginning to see this problem. There are Joe Biden voters, but there are no Joe Biden fans. Contrast this with President Trump, who is—if nothing else—opinionated and unique. Biden’s milquetoast persona simply won’t cut it. Biden is beginning to veer sharply to the left in an attempt to regain support, but it won’t work.

Even the extreme Left can see through his lies. Is the guy who drafted the 1993 crime bill really going to “advance racial equity across the American economy?” In the words of a parody video addressing Joe Biden’s record, voters are excited by his “fresh new ideas like keeping the troops deployed and using his political position to enrich his family.” Any new ideas he claims to have, like racial equity or healthcare for illegal immigrants, are feints to trick the far Left into voting for him. After almost 50 years of consistent political positions, there’s no way that Biden radically transformed his entire belief system in a little over a year. 

Given that he has not changed, if Biden somehow wins we can expect more of the same disastrous liberal policies that we got from Obama, and to a lesser extent Clinton. Expect at least four more years of conflict in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Of course, expect the hundreds of extra graves in Arlington and grieving Gold Star Families that will result from the policy, but that’s never troubled liberals before. Expect more elimination of manufacturing as the trade deficit between China and the U.S. greatly widens because the policies benefit Democrat-supporting oligarchs. You can also expect the destruction of American communities as illegal immigrants flood the country as Biden will likely follow in Obama’s footsteps by continuing DACA and reinstating “catch and release.”

For minorities, the situation will be much the same. Black Americans will not have their communities helped and will instead be beset by lax laws that allow criminals to terrorize their neighborhoods while Democrats continue to wrongly flood them with welfare, which only weakens the communities further. All this while Biden clearly suffers from dementia and his impending vice presidential nominee prepares to take office while the far Left uses his weakness to solidify their grasp on the Democratic Party.

Joe Biden is the furthest thing from a change candidate and no amount of media lies can make him one. He is what Donald Trump was referring to when he coined “the swamp.” Under a hypothetical Biden administration, the only “change” you can expect is the fact that the nation suddenly looks a lot more like CHAZ.


Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr