Governor Newsom Redefines “Meals” in Attempt to Shut Down Bars

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

In yet another embarrassing overreach of power by Gov. Gavin Newsom, he recently claimed that foods such as sandwiches and chicken wings are “not meals” in order to prevent bars from reopening. 

The reason for this idiocy is the fact that bars that also serve food are treated with fewer restrictions than bars that do not. As a result, many bars have begun serving food.

Some food options are clearly designed simply as workarounds for the regulations, which is also the case in places like New York, where a bar in Buffalo has a $1 menu that includes “9 French Fries” and “a piece of meat.” In his power-tripping manner, Gov. Newsom will not tolerate this kind of insolence, and as a result, he is now the state’s self-anointed culinary expert.

Now our dear leader is currently contradicting hundreds of years of human history and just about every restaurant in the world by stating that sandwiches and salads are not food. Who ever thought authoritarianism would come in such a ridiculous form?

This type of petty authoritarianism is what you would expect from North Korea or the Soviet Union, not the Governor of California. The result in the aforementioned countries was mass starvation and poverty, and if Gov. Newsom continues to ban food from being served and Californians from making a living, we could be headed in the same direction.


Photo by Shelby L. Bell via Flickr