Jim DeBello Explains Why it’s Time to Replace Congressman Scott Peters

Written by Julianne Foster

Incumbent Rep. Scott Peters of the 52nd Congressional District is refusing to debate with Republican challenger Jim DeBello. Peters, a Democrat, has not passed a bill in the eight years he has been in office. Should Peters debate DeBello, the public will be able to see how strong of a candidate DeBello is, and such a dialogue would reveal their contrast in values and desires for the district.

In an interview held by One America News Network, Jim DeBello identified his values to be based on hard work, individual responsibility, and growth. He’s determined to begin the work that Peters has had so many years to do and failed. Such work includes resolving problems with homelessness, border issues, and sewage leaks from Mexico, which contaminate the Pacific Ocean and California beaches. DeBello cares about the well-being of San Diegans in their beach activities, as well as military serviceman who train in those waters.

Considering recent events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and civil unrest, DeBello mentioned his desires for economic redevelopment and support for funding our police. He mentioned his mistrust with China, which is valid considering his experience working in China during the SARS outbreak in 2003. He and his employees in the company he ran were among the first to know about the outbreak through information from the U.S. Consulate. China didn’t inform their people of the outbreak until six months later.

“When the WHO came over to inspect those hospitals the Chinese would take those patients out of the hospital, put them in an ambulance and drive them around town saying hey there’s not a problem,” DeBello explained. In other matters on the protection of hard-working Californians, he said that “we need to reverse AB 5 and can’t let that cancer spread to Washington.” AB 5 severely constricts the typically flexible schedules of individual contractors who are in need of individual control returned to them regarding their work. 

Beyond his hopes of making a change for the good of San Diegans, DeBello yearns to be a source of accountability and transparency in Congress. “Congress has lost touch with the people and our people have lost their voice,” he noted.

DeBello is a fitting candidate for the 52nd Congressional District as a born and raised San Diegan, he has a history as a tech entrepreneur and ran a company in the county for 15 years. He recognizes the district as a “big ideas district” with the variety of global companies represented here, along with the military population. He plans to replace the absence of big ideas coming from Rep. Peters with his own ideas and hard work. “This is an ambition that I have had to help correct what I see as sporadic motion in Washington and a lack of getting things done,” he concluded.

For more information about Jim DeBello and his campaign, visit DeBelloCongress.com.