Local Republican Leaders Succeed in Persuading Governor Newsom to Permit Salons and Barbershops to Operate Outdoors

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Last week, County Supervisors Kristin Gaspar and Jim Desmond were joined by San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones in writing a letter urging Gov. Gavin Newsom to allow nail salons and barbershops to remain open by allowing them to move their services outdoors.

“San Diego County has had zero outbreaks connected to hair salons, nail salons, or barbershops,” the letter reads. They also mention how small businesses are being decimated by the pandemic and subsequent closures, adding that “these are usually small, ‘mom and pop’ type businesses that have been hit hard during this pandemic.”

Gaspar, Desmond, and Jones offer solutions by mentioning how the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control created a COVID-19 Temporary Catering Authorization Application which allows restaurants to continue serving alcohol outside. They are asking for a similar permit for salons and barbershops. 

In addition to salons and barbershops, they mention how the craft beer industry is currently not being allowed to operate either and this is severely damaging the sector. “We urge you to reconsider this restriction which seems inconsistent with the guidance for restaurants and wineries,” they said.

Thankfully, at least part of their request was adhered to by Gov. Newsom, who gave into their demands and allowed for permits to be granted to salons and barbershops for outdoor services.

“On July 20, 2020 the California Department of Public Health issued guidelines for how barbering and cosmetology services can be offered safely outside,” reads the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology website. “These guidelines allow the OPTION for services to be done outside and does not require outdoor services.”

Barbers, salons, and the craft beer industry must be allowed to fully reopen because there is no connection between them and the rise in cases of coronavirus. The only thing keeping these establishments closed will accomplish is putting them out of business.