Border Patrol Seized Nearly $100 Million Worth of Drugs in June

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek 

Recently, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced that during the month of June, officers seized more than 43,000 pounds of drugs along the southern border, with an estimated street value of $92 million.

Border Patrol officers prevented 34,685 pounds of marijuana, 7,661 pounds of methamphetamine, 635 pounds of cocaine, 166 pounds of heroin, and 165 pounds of fentanyl from being smuggled into the United States. According to officials, the traffickers tried to smuggle the drugs by strapping them to their bodies and hiding them in compartments in their cars, such as trunks and gas tanks.

Speaking about the seizure, San Diego CBP Director of Field Operations Pete Flores, explained that “these are impressive results and no matter what is occurring in the country, CBP officers remain vigilant.” He later added, “CBP officers’ determination and instincts led to and confiscation of these drugs to keep our country safe.”

Among the more significant seizures were 11,000 pounds of marijuana found in a shipment of limes and 134 pounds of methamphetamines found in the doors and gas tank of a car attempting to cross the Calexico West port of entry.

Border Patrol provides a great service to this country by ensuring that drugs are seized before they can cross the border. If the radical left had its wish and Border Patrol was abolished, drugs would easily enter the United States and flood our communities.