Joe Leventhal Endorsed by Pacific Southwest Association of Realtors

The Pacific Southwest Association of Realtors (PSAR) officially announced its endorsement of Joe Leventhal for San Diego City Council District 5, praising him as a knowledgeable candidate that will help protect and improve San Diego’s housing industry. With nearly 3,000 members, PSAR is pivotal in preserving the growth and development of housing in San Diego County.

“Joe is a great candidate who will support policies that make San Diego a more affordable place to live, work, and raise a family,” said PSAR CEO Richard D’Ascoli. “We are excited to work with him on the City Council to advance these goals to ensure San Diego remains a desirable place to own a home.”

In addition to PSAR, Leventhal has been endorsed by the Greater San Diego Association of Realtors, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, San Diego City Councilmen Mark Kersey and Chris Cate, retired San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman, homeless advocate Father Joe Carroll, the California Restaurant Association, San Diego Chapter, the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the Associated Builders and Contractors of San Diego, among others.

“I’d like to thank PSAR for their support in my race for District 5,” said Leventhal. “Particularly in light of today’s economic crisis, I look forward to working with PSAR and its members to strengthen the real estate market and ensure that the dream of buying an affordable home is a reality for all San Diegans.”

Leventhal prioritizes getting San Diego’s economy back on track, while securing jobs and retirements for hard-working San Diegans. He wants all citizens to have a roof above their heads and food on their tables. His bold, collaborative leadership is the best way to approach the unique challenges currently facing San Diego, and hopes to represent them well on the City Council.

For more information about Joe Leventhal and his campaign, visit