Local Children Protesting to Abolish Campus Police

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Recently, local students have been protesting to abolish the San Diego Unified School District Police Department. They can best be described as children because instead of addressing their concerns in a reasonable way, they whine and scream, hoping that it will do something.

They want to get rid of campus police. Despite the fact that campus police were not involved in George Floyd’s death, the police are the only ones that can arrest drug dealers and gang members at schools. Unlike imaginary campus police racism, those are both very real issues and will be major problems if not enforced.

This protest is completely astroturfed. These kids are repeating nonsense they read on Twitter, and as a result, sound completely ridiculous. A perfect example is what one of these kids said during a recent protest. A kid yelled into a bullhorn, “Welcome to the motherf****** revolution!” This is hilariously pathetic because they think that they are some sort of downtrodden underdog when they don’t realize that they are the establishment they’re ostensibly railing against.

It’s not a revolution if you are supported by literally every major corporation, the media, academia, and the culturally dominant political party (Democrats). The protest was likely even organized by one of those groups. These children are useful idiots that add the voice and face to the idiotic policies and corporate sponsorships that are the foundation of this “movement.” 

Furthermore, these protesters are not the heirs to Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi. They are the equivalent of a black square tweeted by Coca Cola. In a month, they will likely forget about the protest entirely. And if you were to ask any individual protester, there is no doubt that they would have no idea what “defunding the police” would actually accomplish.


Photo by Taymaz Valley via Flickr