Terra Lawson-Remer Desperately Tries to Attack Supervisor Kristin Gaspar for Supporting President Trump

Written by Michael Palomba

Democratic candidate Terra Lawson-Remer, who is challenging incumbent Republican County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar, is doing everything she can to paint Gaspar as a “blind Trump supporter.” Her campaign sent out a recent press release saying that “Kristin Gaspar, like Donald Trump, has been repeatedly and tragically wrong on COVID 19.”

The message goes on to say that the problem “begins in the White House with President Donald Trump who has sought to deny, belittle, deflect, and finally ignore the clear epidemiological science on COVID 19.”

Well, since Lawson-Remer wants to talk about science, let’s take a look at the facts.

As can be seen from this graph, while COVID-19 cases are steadily rising, deaths are way down. In fact deaths are so down that the CDC is on the verge of removing the virus’ ‘epidemic’ status.

The point of the lockdown was never to eliminate the virus—that simply isn’t possible. The real goal was to flatten the curve, preventing hospitals from becoming overcrowded and giving epidemiological experts time to figure out the best ways to medically respond to COVID-19.

Lawson-Remer hopes to paint Supervisor Gaspar as an anti-science, blind Trump supporter in order to motivate Democratic voters to turn out. Gaspar supports President Trump and aligns with the vast majority of his policies, while her priority is advancing what’s best for San Diego—which is the proper focus of a *county* supervisor. While far-left Democrats like Terra Lawson-Remer continue to obsess over President Trump in a deranged fashion, local Republican remain focused on actually helping their constituents.

We need a county supervisor that is straightforward with San Diegans and puts their needs first. That is why it’s crucial that we re-elect Supervisor Kristin Gaspar this November.


Photo by Krysten Newby via Flickr